
Retest Analyzer (RA)

Analyze retest and retest recovery for every hard and soft bin. Use production data to simulate bin retest and inline retest techniques. Measure the impact on production retest and final yields.

Retest Analyzer is an engineering tool to analyze and minimize retest at wafer sort and final test. It works on retest data extracted from tester production STDF files or Invantest cell controller production files (INF).


Measure Retest and Recovery

Retest Analyzer measures both the retest and recovery of good units/die from retest for every hard bin and soft bin. There is no limit to the number of lots included in the analysis. Users can analyze a single lot or a 1000 lots from the same device to establish the long term retest recovery capabilities for any device.

Simulate the Impact of Integrator Retest Solutions

Intergrator WaferTest and Integrator FinalTest include patented, automatic retest solutions to minimize retest. Using historical production data, RA can perform offline simulation of these retest solutions to provide an accurate estimate of the retest reduction in production. For instance, RA answers the question: what would be the overall impact on retest, throughput, and final yield if inline selective retest were applied to the lots selected in RA?

High Data Integrity

An unexpected challenge for retest analysis is data integrity since the data for each lot spans multiple STDF or INF production files, and there is no guarantee that all reject units/die will be retested. Most analysis systems fail to summarize the retest data correctly and produce bizarre retest results. RA has the built-in intelligence to sort through exceptions and eliminate bad data (aborted production runs) and then confirm the integrity of the data before proceeding to analysis. With RA, users avoid wasting time trying to make sense of bad data.